Swiss natural products for optimal immunity and vitality
Hardly anyone gets the optimal amount of nutrients through their diet, no matter how healthy they are. Nutritional supplements offer an easy solution to this problem.
Versterk juist nu je weerstand en voel je vitaler. Kies voor kwaliteit: 100% natuurlijke vitamineproducten* van Just2BFit. Ontwikkeld en geproduceerd in samenwerking met DSM.
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Swiss natural products for optimal immunity and vitality
Hardly anyone gets the optimal amount of nutrients through their diet, no matter how healthy they are. Nutritional supplements offer an easy solution to this problem.
Strengthen your immune system now and feel more vital. Choose quality: 100% natural vitamin products from Just2BFit.

*Met uitzondering van de vitamine C tabletten.
Measuring = knowing
Test nu jouw immuniteit of vitaliteit en krijg €15 of 30% korting op de geadviseerde producten!
The Vitality Test
Take the testTake the Vitality test here and gain insight into your antioxidant and vitamin levels. You will receive a personal report and we will advise you on which supplementary vitamins and supplements are best suited to your lifestyle so that you feel optimally energised. You will immediately receive a free personal report and a total of €15,- discount on the two recommended products!

The Immunity Test
Take the testEen goede weerstand en immuunsysteem beschermen je tegen infecties en ziektes. Met deze online Immuniteitstest adviseren wij je over welke vitaminen en supplementen jouw immuniteit kunnen versterken op basis van je huidige leefstijl. Je krijgt meteen een gratis persoonlijk rapport én 30% korting op de geadviseerde producten!

Products for optimal immunity

Zinc Soft Gummies

Vitamin C
Natuurlijke producten die makkelijk in te nemen zijn
Onze immuniteitsproducten zijn volledig natuurlijk.* En bijna allemaal vegan. Dankzij de natuurlijke oorsprong van de supplementen zijn de werkzame stoffen beter door het lichaam op te nemen en vormen zij een duurzame oplossing voor het binnenkrijgen daarvan.
*Met uitzondering van de vitamine C tabletten.
We think it is important that the supplements are easy to take for everyone. That is why we have chosen tasty, chewy Vitamin D3 and Zinc gummies. The small Vitamin C tablets and the soft capsules with Vegan Omega-3 are easy to take with water.
Doe de Immuniteitstest en krijg 30% korting op de geadviseerde producten!

Vitamin D3 Soft Gummies

Vegan Omega-3 capsules
Natuurlijke producten die makkelijk in te nemen zijn
Onze immuniteitsproducten zijn volledig natuurlijk.* En bijna allemaal vegan. Dankzij de natuurlijke oorsprong van de supplementen zijn de werkzame stoffen beter door het lichaam op te nemen en vormen zij een duurzame oplossing voor het binnenkrijgen daarvan.
*Met uitzondering van de vitamine C tabletten.
We think it is important that the supplements are easy to take for everyone. That is why we have chosen tasty, chewy Vitamin D3 and Zinc gummies. The small Vitamin C tablets and the soft capsules with Vegan Omega-3 are easy to take with water.
Do the Immunity Test and get a total of €7.50 discount on the two recommended products!
Products for optimal vitality

300 gram

300 gram
100% Natural products in convenient monthly packaging
The vitality products have been specially developed to ensure that you feel as vital as possible. They consist of natural ingredients and contain combinations of various minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.
De handige maandverpakkingen bevatten sachets met poeder dat je in water kunt oplossen. Dankzij hun poedervorm (behalve Vitflow) zijn ook deze supplementen makkelijk in te nemen.
Doe de Vitaliteitstest en krijg in totaal €15 korting op de twee geadviseerde producten!

Energy Booster
75 gram
100% Natural products in convenient monthly packaging
The vitality products have been specially developed to ensure that you feel as vital as possible. They consist of natural ingredients and contain combinations of various minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.
De handige maandverpakkingen bevatten sachets met poeder dat je in water kunt oplossen. Dankzij hun poedervorm (behalve Vitflow) zijn ook deze supplementen makkelijk in te nemen.
Take the Vitality Test and receive a total of €15,- discount on the two recommended products!
Introductory packages to see what suits you

Measuring = knowing
Personalised Nutrition
That people use nutritional supplements for preventive reasons, or to be better able to withstand the pressures of everyday life, is something we greatly applaud. Unfortunately, many do this based on common wisdom, simple assumptions or unfounded advice. As a result, many people take too many supplements, supplements they don't need or even supplements that are harmful to them. Personalised Nutrition is here to prevent this from happening.

Personalised Nutrition is...
...tailored advice that helps us eat and live more wisely. It helps improve your health. Personalised Nutrition starts with a measurement that looks at how the body functions. The data from such a measurement shows whether the body is lacking nutrients. Based on this data, you will then receive personal advice, for example, on which supplements you can best use.
We have developed the Vitality Test and the Immunity Test to advise you on which supplements you can use and to provide you with personal lifestyle advice.
Why Personalised Nutrition?
Because of the pressure of everyday life we develop too much stress, and that pressure and stress have a negative impact on our lifestyle. This is because we are living an increasingly unhealthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people supplement their lifestyle with supplements without proper and personalised advice. We would like to grow old vital and healthy and Personalised Nutrition can help us do that.

Hein Vergeer is a former World, European and Dutch speed skating champion and Just2BFit ambassador.
"More than thirty years ago I became twice European and World Champion in speed skating. I have been over 50 for a while now. The products of Just2BFit help me feel fit and give me energy. Maybe not as fit as I was then, but fit and vital enough to lead a very active and sporty life!"